Mint – Basil
FRA: 2267/2022
This preparation (Preg Tea) acts beneficially for promote both harmonious digestion and a state of optimal relaxation. She skillfully combines ingredients and natural resources that support these two essential aspects of well-being.
Regarding digestion, the components of this composition work in synergy to soothe the system digestive, reduce possible feelings of discomfort after meals, and encourage effective assimilation of nutrients, which is particularly beneficial during pregnancy when nutritional needs are increased.
At the same time, this formulation has been specially designed to meet the unique needs of pregnant women. The carefully selected ingredients take into account accounts for the physiological changes that occur during this important period of life. They offer a
specific support for pregnant women, contributing thus to their overall well-being while meeting the needs and nutritional status of the mother and fetus.
In short, this preparation is a valuable ally for pregnant women, promoting both digestion comfortable and a state of relaxation conducive to a healthy pregnancy and fulfilling.
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